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Category: General Information

Should I Use Powder Vials or Act-o-vials?

Medical providers recommend 100mg powder vials of Solu-Cortef for use in the pump (NDC# 0009-0825-01) (Hindmarsh, Geertsma 2017). These differ from the Act-o-vials in that the powder vials only contain the powdered Solu-Cortef and the mixing solution must be ordered separately. This may seem like an inconvenient extra step, but . . . Read more

When is a Cortisol Pump Necessary?

In patients with adrenal insufficiency, subcutaneous hydrocortisone infusion is a suitable alternative to oral glucocorticoids. This is especially true in cases of poor absorption or rapid metabolization of oral steroids. Poor Oral Absorption Causes of poor oral absorption may be due to acute gastrointestinal illness, chronic illness of the GI . . . Read more

What is a Cortisol Pump?

A cortisol pump is an insulin pump that has been filled with Solu-Cortef (hydrocortisone) instead of insulin. It is programmed to match a healthy circadian rhythm of cortisol in order to better manage adrenal insufficiency.