Category: Protecting the Pump

The beach or lake can pose some potential hazards for your cortisol pump. Water, sand, sunscreen, and heat are known enemies of electronic devices. However, with preparation, you can safely enjoy your day at the beach! Water Before you head into the water, you will want to know the IPX . . . Read more

600 series Medtronic pumps and OmniPods are IPX8 rated. Both should be safe to go into a hot tub for short periods of time, provided they are not damaged. Any damage, like cracks or loose seals could allow water into your pump. Tandem pumps are IPX7 rated. By that definition, . . . Read more

Though tanning itself poses some risks to your health, some pumpers do opt to tan. Below are some tips on how to protect your cortisol pump while tanning. It is safe to tan with Omnipod. It does not affect the pods. It has not been tested with spray tans. Use . . . Read more

While we would like to believe that everyone is able to use the newest pump technology, that is not always feasible. Older model pumps such as Medtronic 500 series, Medtronic 700 series, or Animas pumps are still fairly common. While the functionality is basically the same with respect to cortisol . . . Read more

Travelling on vacation involves a change of routine. While this might seem stressful, hopefully careful planning can help reduce the amount of stress allowing you to enjoy your vacation. Below are some tips on how to protect your cortisol pump while travelling on vacation. Tips on Packing When on vacation . . . Read more